Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Home Energy

This is an excerpt from one of my labs that I thought would be very interesting to read. I realized by doing this lab that I would be able to participate in more innovative energy ideas.

Home Energy Use Lab

 Today in American culture views consumption as a good thing. The more a person consumes the more successful they must be. However consumption leads to environmental degradation. For example, the purchase of a large house when there is no real need for the extra space leads to negative environmental effects. Larger homes will generally consume more energy to heat and cool causing  more air pollution. Larger homes cover more of Florida's surface, which results in diminished groundwater recharge. In many cases the homeowner may utilize more chemicals on the lawn resulting in more water contamination and the environment suffers. Our home has a large potential for causing environmental degradation so it is worthwhile to do all we can to increase the efficiently of our houses. In this lab you will look at your home and energy use.

1.     How large is your home? ___1200___ square feet of living area.                                                              
2.     How large is your lot? ___We live in a town home._____________                                                                         
3.     Does you home have single or double pained windows? _____We have simple single pained windows___                                           
4.     How much insulation do you have in the attic? _We have about 6 inches of insulation_inches (Only gather the data for this section if your attic is easy to access.)
5.     If you run the air conditioner during the summer at what temperature is it set at? __78__ How many hours a day does the AC run ___5___(Estimated)               
6.     Does your home receive any shade? _Yes__  If so, what side(s) of the house are shaded? ___While the sun is setting usually the east side of the house is shaded_________.
7.     How many Killowatts of electricity do you use in the average month? __Our home uses about 870 KWH in an average month.___                                                                                                                                  
8.     If for each 1000-kilowatt hours of electricity produced, 1,250 pounds of air pollution is released into the environment. Determine the number of pounds of air pollution that is produced to provide electricity for your home during the average month. ____1000____ lbs
9.     How much air pollution would be produced by your home electricity production on an annual basis?_____13200_____lbs_
10.   If for each 1000-kilowatt hours of electricity produced, 690 pounds of water pollution is produced. Determine the number of pounds of water your home will produce per month making electricity for your home. _600____lbs.
11.   How much water pollution would be produced per year by providing electricity for your home? ___7200____lbs

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